Tidal Sedimentology
Sedimentation driven by tidal currents produces characteristic sedimentary structures such as tidal bedding and particularly tidal rhythmites. These structures provide information regarding sedimentation rate, tidal prism, tidal frame, tidal asymmetry, depositional environment, and seasonality in river discharge.
Rhythmic sedimentation in Sittaung River
Early Holocene progradation in Gyeonggi Bay
Fluvial-Tidal Transition zone
Fluvial-tidal transition zone (FTZ) constitutes a complex depositional segment in deltas and estuaries, where sediment transport and morphological changes are influenced by the interaction of river discharge and tidal currents. The zone draws huge interests as it is sensitive to allogenic processes such as sediment supply and sea-level changes.
FTZ in Sittaung River Estuary, Myanmar
FTZ in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
Bedform morphodynamics provides information regarding dune migration rate, sediment transport rate, governing processes, andd dune architecture. Drone-assisted photogrammetry supplemented with hydrodynamic observation allowed to characterize dune morphodynamics on daily to annual time scales.
Dune morphodynamics in Ganghwa tidal flat
Spit morphodynamics in Dicksonfjorden
Sediment transport in depositional environment is critical in understanding governing processes that induce morphological changess and the evolution of the environments. Field-based observation using ADCP, AWAC, OBS, UAV-assisted photogrammetry assists in quantification of the sediment transport on various temporal and spatial scales.
Bedload transport in Ganghwa tidal flat
Tidal-flat morphodynamics in Shinsi tidal flat
Channel Morphodynamics
Meandering channels evolve in response to discharge fluctuation in fluvial setting and tidal asymmetry in tidal setting. Understanding of channel morphodynamics is vital to reconstruct facies and stratigraphic architecture of channel deposits in a wide range of depositional environments.
Meander-bend cutoff in Sittaung River
Evolution of tidal channel network
Quaternary Stratigraphy
Coastal areas host past record of sedimentation in response to changes in physical processes, sea-level and sediment supply during the late Quaternary. Multidisciplinary dataset such as long core, seismic profiles, age-dates are used to unravel the evolution of the sedimentary record.
Late Quaternary stratigraphy of Gyeonggi Bay
Late Quaternary stratigraphy of Gomso Bay